We offer unique weight loss services
- Medical & Diet history analysis
- Personalized diet planning
- Body weight control

I am a Dietitian-Nutritionist, creator of the series of nutrition videos entitled: “Βασικές Αρχές Διατροφής,”, which are hosted on the LearnNutrition channel on Youtube, as well as on other popular Greek websites with many notable reviews.
The purpose of this page is to provide information about nutrition topics, focusing in particular on the study of the human microbiome and the endocrine disorders, highlighting the way that they can affect our overall health and weight control.
You can check out more about our provided services, our blog, as well as the videos that exist on the youtube channel. Enjoy your stay!
Ο Διατροφικός Οδηγός με όλες τις τελευταίες μελέτες και εξελίξεις στην απώλεια βάρους

Discover our service offering
Measuring of Basal Metabolic Rate (Fitmate RMR testing)
Physical exercise combined with dietary intervention.
Diet intervention for individuals who can't exercise.
Focus on diets low-calorie high-protein diets with intermittent fasting regimens.
Focus on diets low in carbohydrates and gut health improvement.
We offer unique weight loss services
We provide unique nutritional services so you can correctly determine the one that best describes your current health status.
LearnNutrition videos
Our Blog
Let's expand on useful information and unique recipes about nutrition and health.