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How vitamin C enhances heart function.



The heart is a strong muscle, and every time it contracts carries a certain amount of blood to all parts of the body.

Blood is transported through blood vessels, special tubings that are very elastic and flexible to facilitate blood transport to all parts of the body.
A fully functional vessel is characterized by great elasticity and flexibility.

But, to keep a blood vessel healthy, several factors may contribute.
Η For example, Vitamin C is necessary to maintain the integrity of blood vessels by protecting them from oxidizing agents while also maintaining coherence in their structure, as it participates in collagen synthesis.
Finally, its decisive antioxidant actions protect blood vessels from harmful factors such as toxins in the blood, oxidized cholesterol, tobacco substances, and foods we consume, as well as other daily stressors.

An adequate intake of fruits and vegetables can, therefore, offer protection against future cardiovascular events.

Savvas Tsanasidis

Κλινικός Διαιτολόγος MSc

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