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6 reasons to replace Cocoa Powder with Carob Powder.



1. It has the same taste as cocoa products and therefore can be easily used in various recipes.

2. Carob is a domestic product (widely produced in Crete), while cocoa is mainly an imported product.

3. Cocoa contains the toxic substance caffeine (which among other things reduces the absorption of Iron-Zinc), while carob products does not contain this ingredient.

4. It is high in Calcium and does not contain oxalic acids such as cocoa, which to some extent may affect the absorption of this metal.

5. It contains B-complex Vitamins, and it is rich in Iron, Magnesium, Copper, Selenium, Potassium, and Zinc.

6. Carob powder is lower in fat and calories than cocoa powder.

Savvas Tsanasidis

Κλινικός Διαιτολόγος MSc

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