
Σπιτικό γιαούρτι καρύδας με προβιοτικά. Εύκολη παρασκευή, ιδανική και για παιδιά!



Πως να ετοιμάσουμε σπιτικό γιαούρτι καρύδας με χρήση προβιοτικών!

Preparation in 1 minute, using probiotics for the fermentation process.
Without boiling.
Non-allergenic. It does not contain animal milk or soy proteins, which may cause allergic symptoms (rash, allergic rhinitis, gastrointestinal upset, etc.) in children or adultsες.
Its slightly sweet taste is probably a good choice for a children's meal.

The ideal would be to get fresh coconut for the preparation of yogurt. The following recipe uses whole organic coconut milk (the one sold in a metal container). If it's not organic, check the label on the milk you are getting so that it does not contain any preservatives.


🔹 1 can of whole organic coconut milk.
🔹 1 capsule of probiotics with numerous germ strains (you can find them mainly in local, or online pharmacies).

Διαδικασία παρασκευής:

1️⃣ Open and place the coconut milk in a sterile jar (or bowl) and mix for homogenization (see also the video).
2️⃣ Open the probiotic capsule, add it to the mixture and mix with a wooden (not metal) spoon, so that the probiotics are dispersed in our mixture.
3️⃣ Cover the jar with a towel and leave it indoors (like classic yogurts) to start the fermentation process.
4️⃣ Fermentation lasts 48 hours (2 days). Then place in the refrigerator for a few hours and the yogurt is ready.

See the process in a video:

Η ετοιμασία δεν διαρκεί ούτε 1 λεπτό.

All we have to do is wait until the fermentation is complete. [Fermentation takes place through the use of probiotics, which ferment the ingredients of the coconut, producing the final yogurt product].

☑️ Using probiotics we can prepare any other vegetable yogurt, such as almond or soy, in the same simple way as mentioned.

☑️ If we can ideally get fresh coconuts, then we take their flesh, mix it for a while in a blender together with the coconut liquids until we have a smooth mixture. Then we follow the exact same procedure, placing the mixture in a sterile jar and finally adding the probiotic capsule.

Savvas Tsanasidis

Κλινικός Διαιτολόγος MSc

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2 thoughts on “Σπιτικό γιαούρτι καρύδας με προβιοτικά. Εύκολη παρασκευή, ιδανική και για παιδιά!”

  1. Έχει σημασία το είδος των μικροβίων ή είναι κατάλληλα όλα για την παρασκευή βίγκαν γιαουρτιού και τυριών?

    1. Savvas Tsanasidis

      Καλημέρα. Όχι, είναι όλα τα προβιοτικά κατάλληλα. Αρκεί να υπάρχει μια ποικιλία μικροβίων με διάφορα στελέχη για είναι επιτυχής η ζύμωση.

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