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Harvard University recommends limiting dairy products.




A recent healthy eating dish created by nutritionists at Harvard University's School of Public Health suggests reducing dairy to 1-2 servings daily.

As they states:
"Currently, there is insufficient evidence that consuming more than one serving of milk a day will reduce the risk of bone fractures. Because of unresolved concerns about the risk of ovarian and prostate cancer, it may be wise to avoid overeating dairy products."

But what about Calcium?
"Adequate calcium is the key to reducing the risk of osteoporosis. However, the healthiest or safest amount of dietary calcium has not yet been determined.
[…] Additional evidence further supports the idea that American adults may not need as much calcium as currently recommended (1000mg). For example, in countries such as India, Japan, and Peru, where the average daily intake of calcium is just 300mg per day (less than one-third of the US recommendation for adults aged 19 to 50), the incidence of bone fractures is quite low. Of course, these countries also differ in other important factors, such as the level of physical activity and the amount of sunlight which could explain the low rates of fractures.

The recommendations of scientists for the prevention of osteoporosis are adequate sun exposure for vitamin D intake, calcium intake from plant sources such as dark vegetables and legumes, vitamin K intake from leafy vegetables, reduction of coffee and total protein and intake of vitamin A in the form of carotenoids from carrots, spinach, sweet potatoes.

Report from Harvard University:…/calcium-full-story/…
The dish of healthy eating by Harvard in Greek version:…/heal…/translations/greek/

Savvas Tsanasidis

Κλινικός Διαιτολόγος MSc

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