About this
In this Free Nutritional guide, you will learn:
- What is Energy Balance, and how can we achieve it?
- How to easily calculate our Total Daily Energy Requirements and determine how much food we need to consume daily to meet our body’s metabolic needs.
- How to structure unique meal plans using the plate method and strategically use macronutrients, such as carbs, fats, and proteins, in our plate.
- Bonus tips about calorie counting and when to avoid it.
- How structuring a plate works.
- Helpful and easy-to-follow measuring guides, methods, and practical tips
- 2 Examples of meal planning for women with comprehensive instructions and nutritional tables.
- How to track your progress by measuring BMI
- What is Personalized Nutrition and getting access to our specialized weight loss services.

Energy is a vital resource for the survival of humankind. Our bodies constantly use their energy stores to perform daily activities, such as breathing, sleeping, talking, reading, etc.
Energy keeps our heart beating every day!
Thus, in order to survive, the human body requires a substantial intake of energy, which is primarily accomplished via consuming foods and beverages.
In dietetics, we use the term “energy balance” to describe the relationship between “energy in” (energy taken into the body through foods and drinks) and “energy out” (energy being used in the body for its daily metabolic requirements).
In general, and as time goes by, when we consume too much energy (through foods) and burn too little (i.e., through exercise), our body will tend to store it in some way for later use. The body’s main stored form of energy is called body fat.
Finding Energy Balance
Structuring A Meal Plan
Meal Plan Example
Download this Free Nutritional Guide and get started on your meal planning journey!

About Me

Savvas T.
Dietitian // Blogger
Savvas Tsanasidis
My name is Savvas Tsanasidis. I am a Dietitian-Nutritionist, graduate of the Department of Nutritional Sciences and Dietetics at the International Hellenic Univerity (IHU). You can find me in Imathia in Greece, where I maintain my office providing diet services since 2018.
In 2020 I’ve started my Master’s degree in the postgraduate program of Nutritional Sciences & Dietetics of IHU, practicing Clinical Nutrition to specialize my nutritional approach, improving the monitoring of various health problems.