What is included in our weight loss services?
Please, consider referring to all the specific services we provide below, so you can correctly determine the one that best describes your current health status.
After choosing your weight loss service, we will follow a simple procedure to guide you through how you can improve your eating patterns and achieve your personal weight management goals.
Please, click on the service that best describes your current status:
1. General weight loss programs for individuals with an active lifestyle.
2. Weight loss meal plans for men and women over 50.
3. Specific weight loss programs for individuals who can not exercise.
4. Rapid, short-term weight loss programs for extremely obese (BMI>40) and bariatric patients.
5. Weight loss programs for women with PCOS.
6. Weight loss-specific diet plans for menopause and perimenopause.
7. Προγράμματα απώλειας βάρους και οδηγοί για Vegans και Vegeterians.
1. General weight loss programs for individuals with an active lifestyle.
Increased physical activity is a significant component of a comprehensive weight-reduction strategy, especially when combined with proper dietary intervention.
Yet, there could be many reasons why exercising and eating right may not result in weight loss.
Examine why you might have difficulties losing weight even though exercising and eating right, and find out how we can help you archive your weight loss goals by figuring out a plan that will best fit your current eating patterns, your personal beliefs about foods, and your work schedule.
2. Weight loss meal plans for men and women over 50.
After age 30, our metabolism slows down by 2% every decade.
Muscle mass can decrease as a natural part of aging; chronic inflammation may burden our metabolism, and generally, our rate of total calories burnt in a day gradually decreases.
It's also vital to remember that it's all about hormones at this point and how you can bring them in balance with your daily practice routines! We emphasize your unique nutritional needs, gut health, and hormonal balance to strengthen your metabolism and achieve profound results.
See how we can accomplish that here:
3. Specific weight loss programs for individuals who can not exercise.
What if you can't exercise? Exercise is essential but not a prerequisite to weight loss.
There could be many reasons why many people cannot get involved in an exercise, including experiencing injuries or exercise intolerance, having a specific autoimmune condition, or feeling tired and lethargic all the time.
If regular exercise is not an option, structuring a specific meal plan that balances macronutrient ratios and considers individual energy requirements would be more ideal and effective in your weight loss strategies.
How can we integrate protocols to help you reach your weight loss goals?
4. Ταχεία προγράμματα απώλειας βάρους για εξαιρετικά παχύσαρκους (ΔΜΣ>40) και ασθενείς υπο βαριατρική επέμβαση.
Losing weight when severely obese can be overwhelming, but most very overweight or obese people can lose two to four pounds of fat per week without losing muscle mass.
Generally, you may be able to lose roughly 4–8 pounds in a month.
What are some of our strategies indicated for your situation that would help achieve a significant weight loss?
5. Weight loss-specific diet plans for menopause and perimenopause.
During menopause, you may unwillingly add some weight, partly because of a drop in estrogen levels. This can be frustrating, especially if you are already doing your best to keep the pounds off or maintain a healthy weight.
When we are encouraged to deal with the changes that our body goes through during menopause, slow down ourselves and work on our hormonal system with practices that regulate stress, we can experience significant shifts in energy, self-confidence, mood, and motivation!
Απλά σκεφτείτε ότι μια απώλεια του σωματικού βάρους κατά 10% μπορεί να βελτιώσει την αρτηριακή πίεση και να μειώσει σημαντικά τις εξάψεις και άλλα συναφή συμπτώματα της εμμηνόπαυσης.
See how you can experience these changes in your body by following our strategies below.