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Why does sugar cause fluid retention while fruit does not?



How does sugar promote fluid retension?

In addition to excessive salt intake, increased sugar consumption can contribute to fluid retention.

In particular, overconsumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates can lead to insulin resistance and an accompanying . και συνοδή increase in blood insulin levels, especially concerning people with a predisposition to developing diabetes mellitus.

Η Insulin is an anabolic hormone, and chronically high blood insulin levels can promote body fat storageAt the same time, through its effect on the kidneys, insulin can enhance sodium and fluid retention.

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But how are fruits different from sugar and refined carbohydrates?

Fresh whole fruits, in addition to their natural sugars, contain:

1. High concentrations of potassium, a mineral that helps regulate the body's water balance. At the same time, fruits are low in sodium. This ratio of specific minerals may successfully remove retained fluids and lead to effective blood pressure regulation.

2. They contain 85-97% water. Sufficient fluid intake in our diet is necessary and supportive of the kidney’s work to eliminate excess fluids from our bodies. υγρών από το σώμα μας.

3. Antioxidants. It has been scientifically proven that the various bioactive compounds in pomegranate extracts (juice) can improve fasting glucose levels and pancreatic β-cell function, balancing insulin levels in the blood. Similarly, research examining the various antioxidants and bioactive compounds found in different berries (fresh or frozen) reports their ability to improve postprandial insulin responses and balance blood sugar levels.

Choosing fruits for our recipes.

Fruits can satisfy our need for sweet taste quickly and healthily while being rich in water, electrolytes, vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants!

We can prepare sweet recipes using fruits, nuts, and whole grains instead of sugar, sweeteners, and white flour.



“Fresh pomegranate juice ameliorates insulin resistance, enhances β-cell function, and decreases fasting serum glucose in type 2 diabetic patients”.

“Dietary berries, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes: an overview of human feeding trials”

Savvas Tsanasidis

Κλινικός Διαιτολόγος MSc

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