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Introduction to a Whole Food Plant Based Diet


daniela RELOvb0rrCE unsplashThe WFPBD diet is suitable for all age groups and is supported by major international organizations such as the American Heart Association (AHA), the American Dietetic Association (ADA), the Pediatric Society of Canada (CPS), and the British Dietetic Association (BDA), while according to the World Health Organization (WHO), a healthy diet includes fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and whole grains, which is in line with our Greek Mediterranean diet because the Mediterranean diet that was studied and promoted research was vegetarian.

A plant-based diet is an economical way of life, as most of the products on which the Mediterranean diet is based are low in calories and cost but are also high in nutritional value. The high content of non-caloric nutrients in these foods, such as fiber, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and water, can cause the feeling of satiety without burdening our body with extra calories. Vegetable products such as fruits and vegetables, wheat, zea, legumes, oats, potatoes, rice, olives are low in calories, but dense in nutritional value.

Most ancient Greek philosophers and poets were vegetarians, believing that vegetarianism was good for the body and the spirit.

The most famous were the mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras (founder of the Pythagorean Diet), Plutarch with his well-known work "On Sarcophagus," Porphyry with his work "On the abstinence of souls", Thales the Milesian, Socrates, Empedocles, Plato, Apollonius and also Aristotle.

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The nutritional deficiencies that can be found in this diet (vitamin B12, Iron, Zinc, vitamin D), do not differ from a diet based on animal products, since the same deficiencies occur in both cases and affect the general population. After all, important research questions are being asked to date about how these nutritional deficiencies may arise in the general population.

Besides, plant-based diets have an important preventive role against the risk of developing various forms of cancer and cardiovascular disease.

These plant based dishes are designed for anyone of any age, based on the studied effects of the Mediterranean diet, while complying with the international standards of doctors of this genre, as well as top athletes who follow this kind of lifestyle.

How can we get started?

The procedure followed during our 1st session is as follows:

  1. Obtain a detailed history (nutritional, medical, details about physical condition, and a history of receiving medications and supplements).
  2. Assessment of somatometric characteristics through examination of body weight (mass) and analysis of body composition (percentage of fat, water, muscle mass). If it is not possible to visit our office, we can rely on your measurements, both weight and body circumference (through the use of a simple measuring tape).
  3. Information on the course and evolution of our nutritional intervention, reports on investing in nutritionally appropriate equipment and setting future goals.
  4. Drafting a diet plan according to the requirements of the individual person.
  5. Monitoring and controlling the evolution of our nutritional intervention through measurements:
  • Weight (mass) and body circumference and other somatometric characteristics.
  • Blood pressure and heart rate. Measuring blood pressure helps us to intervene nutritionally-supplementally in cases where this is necessary.
  • Body temperature. Measuring body temperature helps us to have a concise picture of thyroid function throughout the program.
  • Blood sugar and ketone measurements.
  • Review of hematological parameters (where required).

In case of an online cooperation:

  • The nutrition plan is sent via e-mail.
  • Payment of the sessions is monthly and can be made by deposit in a bank account, or Paypal.

If you wish to work with us, please contact us by filling out the following form:


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